Bio-Remodelling Injections


$900 - per session

$1750 - 2 session package.


Bio-remodelling injections are the latest injectable treatment to hit Australia. They target all the not so exciting things that we notice as we age, like fine lines, dullness, wrinkles, skin laxity and loss of fullness.

Just like most dermal fillers, hyaluronic acid is the star player in this treatment. It is injected into five different points on each side of the face where it will spread under the skin, immediately refreshing and plumping the skin from within.

This treatment requires 2 sessions, 4 weeks apart followed by maintenance treatments every 6-12 months.

If you are wanting to achieve healthy and glowy looking skin, bioremodelling injections may be the perfect treatment for you. If you are unsure, book in with one of our Registered Nurses for a consultation.



  • This is very subjective. However, most people find that this treatment isn’t nearly as uncomfortable as what they think they will be.

    Bio-remodelling injections typically take just a couple of minutes and the feeling is comparable to a mosquito bite. There will be a slight discomfort post treatment.

  • Results usually take around 3-4 days to start showing and 4 weeks post the second treatment until you see the final results. This is usually a great time to have a follow up appointment to ensure the desired result has been achieved.

  • Many people think that the right time to start treatment is when they start noticing fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity and textural changes forming in the skin. This is not the case, to get the best results from your treatment, you should start before you get to this point.

    However, there is not an exact age of when you should start, everyone is different, and you should begin treatment when you feel it is right for you.

    Bio-remodelling injections work as a great age preventative treatment.

  • Bio-Remodelling injections have minimal downtime and have very minimal side effects.

    When you leave the clinic after your treatment you may notice some redness and slightly raised bumps at the injection sites. These typically go away within 12-24 hours of your treatment. In some circumstances you may experience a mild bruise at the injection site.

    Some clients report a mild tenderness the day/night of their treatment, we recommended to take some paracetamol if you experience this.